XCMG XE215C bæltegraver

≈ 282.500 kr.
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Sælgerens kontaktoplysninger

XE215C is suitable for earth and stone construction projects such as municipal construction, highway bridges, housing construction, road engineering, farmland water conservancy construction, port construction and so on.
It has features of good flexibility and maneuverability, low fuel consumption, high construction efficiency, large digging force, comfortable driving environment and wide range of application.
XCMG reconditioned machine is the second-hand machine program launched by XCMG for the post market.
XCMG takes advantage of its dealers network to collect the second-hand XCMG machine that falls into strict standards: good condition, full function and low service hours.
The returned machine is then disassembled, repaired, painted, rebuilt and tested officially by XCMG, and the product life is therefore extended.
The price of XCMG reconditioned machine is far lower than that of the new one, but its performance and safety are not compromised thanks to XCMG's state-of-the-art processes and technologies.
In order to dispel customers' concerns, XCMG establishes a strict evaluation system for reconditioned machines and invites SGS to issue third-party certification.
Certified professional accessors who have worked for more than 10 years conduct comprehensive analysis on the machine.
Refurbish core parts to restore capacity. Replace all worn parts with genuine XCMG new ones.
Certified examiner inspects, tests and certifies the reconditioned machine. SGS provides the third-party inspection certificate.
1.What’s the warranty policy for XCMG reconditioned machines?
The warranty policy does not cover the covering parts and wearing parts. For engine, gearbox, hydraulic pump, distriutor valve and electric system, the warranty period will be 3 months or 500 working hours whichever comes first. If there is any problem within warranty period, XCMG will provide solutions accordingly.
2.How about the quality of your machine?
The procedure of recondition is taking the same criterion of brand new XCMG machines, therefore, quality of machines will be guaranteed. They are ready to work for you and XCMG will provide test report from professtional institute.
3.Are you the original manufacturer?
Yes! XCMG is leading construction machinery industry in China and XCMG can provide a complete range of constrcution machineries.
4.Can you satisfy my special requirement?
As the manufacturer,XCMG will review the special requirement and recondition it as per request (if possible).
5.What is accpetable payment terms?
Usually XCMG will accept T/T before shipment or 100% Letter of Credit at sight.
If any other questions, please feel free to contact with us.