Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe

Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 2
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 3
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 4
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 5
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 6
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 7
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 8
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 9
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 10
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 11
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 12
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 13
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 14
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 15
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 16
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 17
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 18
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 19
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 20
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 21
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 22
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 23
Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe billede 24
Er du interesseret i reklamen?
15.600 €
≈ 116.400 kr.
Kontakt sælgeren
Type:  brøndpumpe
Sted:  Polen Warszawa7426 km fra dig
Oprettelsesdato:  mere end en måned
Machineryline ID:  PU40206
Tilstand:  brugte

Flere oplysninger — Omnigena and Hydro - Vacuum submersible water pump hydrovacuum brøndpumpe

Submersible pumps for sale. Purchase without warranty. Sale as is. For improvement/repair/service. Personal pickup near Warsaw. The net price given in the advertisement is the final price for 26 pumps. Some incomplete. For renovation. With and without electric motors. Sold in the same condition as in the photo. EUR 15,000 for 61 pieces

Pump production year approximately from 2008 to 2015
Hydro Vacuum S.A. pumps have been produced in Grudziądz (Poland) since 1862

name (name) Performance [m3/h] quantity (quantity) unit price (PLN) total price (PLN)
Big pumps Big pumps:
Omnigena SPO 46-5 > 46 m3/h > 6 pcs.
Omnigena SPO 30-3 > 30 m3/h > 1 pc.
Hydro - Vacuum Most of the GCA 3.03 > 55 m3/h
Medium pumps:
Omnigena SPO 17-5 > 17 m3/h > 16 pcs.
Small pumps
All other Omnigena, ZDS and other pumps with flow rates of approx. 50 l/min. > 3 m3/h > 23 pcs.
Additionally, electric engines:
most for smaller pumps, but also a few for larger ones - 8 pcs.
Some pumps require service. Replacing the seal or repairing other additional elements. Sale as is. Selling everything as wholesale. If you are interested in purchasing individual items, multiply the price by x3.

The price is PLN 66,100 (15.600 EUR) for all 61 pumps
Na sprzedaż pompy głębinowe. Zakup bez gwarancji. Sprzedaż w takim stanie jak teraz. Do poprawy / naprawy / serwisu. Odbiór osobisty koło Warszawy. Cena netto podana w ogłoszeniu to ostateczna cena za 61 sztuk pomp. Niektóre niekompletne. Do remontu. Z silnikami elektrycznymi i bez. Sprzedaż w takim stanie jak na zdjęciu. 15.000 EUR za 61 sztuk

Rok produkcji pomp około od 2008 do 2015 roku
Pompy Hydro Vacuum S.A. produkowane są w Grudziądzu (Polska) od 1862 roku

nazwa (name) Wydajnośc (performance) [m3/h] ilość (quantity) cena jednostkowa (unit piece) (PLN) łączna cena (total price) (PLN)
Duże pompy Big pumps :
Omnigena SPO 46-5 > 46 m3/h > 6 szt.
Omnigena SPO 30-3 > 30 m3/h > 1 szt.
Hydro - Vacuum Grudziąc większość GCA 3.03 > 55 m3/h
Średniej pompy (Medium pumps):
Omnigena SPO 17-5 > 17 m3/h > 16 szt.
Małe pompy (Small pumps)
Wszystkie pozostałe pompy Omnigena, ZDS i inne o wydatkach ok. 50 l/ min. > 3 m3/h > 23 szt.
Dodatkowo silniki elektryczne (Additionally, electric engines):
większość do mniejszych pomp ale i kilka do większych - 8 szt.
Niektóre pompy wymagają serwisu. Wymiany uszczelnienia lub naprawy innych dodatkowych elementów. Sprzedaż w takim stanie jak są teraz. Sprzedaż wszystkiego jako sprzedaż hurtowa. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany kupnem pojedynczych elementów to cena razy do pomnożenia x3.

Cena to 66.100 PLN (15.600 EUR) za wszystkie 61 szt. pomp
Dette tilbud er kun til information. Indhent nærmere oplysninger hos sælgeren.
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