Robino & Galandrino MONOSTADIO Z 12 T propmaskine

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Used Capsuling Machine Robino and Galandrino up to 15000 bph
In the bottling field, efficiency and precision are paramount. They ensure maximum productivity and uphold high-quality standards. Consequently, the used Robino and Galandrino capsule machinery emerges as a technologically advanced solution. Specifically designed to meet particular needs, it boasts a capacity of up to 15000 bph. This article meticulously explores the machine’s technical characteristics and specifications. Furthermore, it highlights how it can significantly optimize bottling processes.
PVC Capsule Distributor of the Used Capsuling Machine Robino and Galandrino up to 15000 bph
The PVC capsule distributor, ingeniously designed for continuous feeding, guarantees an even distribution of capsules on bottles. This essential component steadfastly maintains a steady production flow. Moreover, it ensures each bottle is sealed correctly, thereby preserving the product’s integrity.
Shutter-Type Capsule Feeder Warehouse
Additionally, the shutter-type capsule feeder warehouse of the Robino & Galandrino offers prolonged autonomy to the machine. Significantly, it reduces downtime for capsule replenishment. This innovative solution is particularly suited for high-speed production lines, where every minute of downtime translates into substantial production losses.
Rotary Station with 12 Thermal Heads
Moreover, the rotary station features 12 thermal heads for efficient sealing. It uniformly seals capsules on bottles, ensuring the seals are of high quality. Importantly, correct capsule application minimizes the risks of product damage or leaks.
Machine Fully Encased in Stainless Steel
Furthermore, the machine Robino & Galandrino is fully encased in stainless steel. This not only ensures its longevity but also facilitates easy maintenance. Additionally, it contributes to maintaining high hygienic standards in the bottling process.
Safety Protections of the Used Capsuling Machine Robino and Galandrino up to 15000 bph
Equally important, integrated safety protections ensure the well-being of operators during production. These critical measures are fundamental in preventing accidents and complying with strict workplace safety regulations.
Cylindrical Bottle Format for Robino & Galandrino
Moreover, the Robino & Galandrino machine’s compatibility with cylindrical bottles enhances its versatility. This feature is especially beneficial for companies that bottle a variety of liquids. It provides an effective solution for different bottle formats.
Clockwise Rotation and Production
Lastly, the machine’s clockwise rotation promotes smooth and continuous production. Capable of handling about 15000 bottles per hour on PVC, it adeptly supports high-speed operations without sacrificing quality.
In conclusion, the Robino and Galandrino capsuling machine represents a state-of-the-art solution. With features such as a PVC capsule distributor and a shutter-type capsule feeder warehouse, it exemplifies performance, safety, and flexibility. Ultimately, it stands as an ideal choice for companies aiming to optimize their production lines.
Speed: 15000 BPH
Containers: Glass
Electrical data: V: 380Vhz: 50hz
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
No. of heads: 12
Capsule type: PVC shrinkable plastic
Rotation direction: Clockwise
Capsules stock: Standard